Regression Therapy
Mar  25, 2021

Regression Therapy and its Bigger Picture

In many ancient texts, the theory of reincarnation is propagated and at the same time there are other ancient texts that believe that, humans live only one life and that is the current one. Which of the two opposing viewpoints are correct? That is entirely a matter of debate and does not have any one word answer to it. Also, we do not have enough scientific evidence to prove either of the two. 

In the context of therapy, there is no need of proving that one correct answer, as any quest to prove is entirely ego driven and such a scenario cannot add any kind of therapeutic value. However, curiosity is the most vital aspect of being a human as it has really taught us the art of seeking solutions for our various degrees of issues. At the same time, we may appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of every human mind, including those who lived on this planet and those who are yet to arrive. And this is the very reason, that we cannot claim that, regression therapy is the only route for all kinds of individuals and their variety of life’s problems. Although, this is true for all other healing modalities and sciences, be it Allopath, Ayurveda, Homeopathy and other complementary therapies.

Human mind is not only vast but is also extremely complex and we understand it’s workings to only a limited extent. However, one thing is certain that if the mind can create something unconsciously or consciously, it can also use the same power through it’s free will to un-create it. This means, there is a high possibility that all kinds of human suffering can be eliminated. After all, this is the ultimate purpose of the entire self- help industry. 

As per a variety of scientific explorations and conclusions whether they come from the Vedas, or various other ancient wisdom texts, the major proportion of the dysfunctionality be it in form of thoughts, emotions, behavior or body are being contributed by our sub- conscious mind. This part of the mind is where we store our memories, experiences, beliefs & conditioning across time and space. This is also the most fertile & creative layer of our mind and all holistic sciences focus on bringing an alignment of this part of the mind with the conscious will. Since, it is our conscious will which wants to come out of all kinds of pain, turmoil or any unhealthy living pattern. And as in any therapy, the focus is to bring the sub and unconscious mind in agreement as well. When a person seeks help be it in the area of physical, mental health, finances, relationships or career/creativity etc., the most foremost criteria is to bring clarity in what outcome does the person wants to create. This ensures that the conscious mind is in charge and now the remaining and the most challenging task is to reorganize the sub and unconscious mind in a way that will make the desired outcome certain. The sub and unconscious part of the mind being 6000 times more powerful makes all kinds of desires, possible and in our reach.

So, where does regression therapy play its part in all this? Well, the answer is simple. Regression mostly, is a spontaneous process that gets triggered when a person under a trained therapist is taken into a trance state which opens the entry to one’s sub and unconscious mind. Let’s briefly talk about trance or clinical hypnosis.

Hypnosis or trance is not a magic, it’s not abnormal or dangerous, and there is no use of swinging pendulums. It has been a topic of controversy, as usually, we have seen only one of its dramatic aspects, which is Stage or Movie Hypnosis, which is purely meant for entertainment. The other aspect, which is therapeutic, is known as Clinical Hypnosis: An incredible healing methodology which is totally scientific & safe, where one can achieve healing of the body through their mind, as we know that it is the Mind which creates the reality for each of us. Where stage hypnosis is used to gain control over the subject, clinical hypnosis gives the control to the client. 

When in trance, the sense perceptions are remarkably heightened and this allows a person’s causal, astral and energy bodies go back in time and re-experience the past fully so that the repressed emotions and feelings are relived and felt fully. Only when those toxic, repressed emotion are experienced once again, does the person has an opportunity to fully release them. The purpose of any kind of regression work is not to heal the past but to heal the consequences of the past whether that past belongs to the present life events or any other life lived on planet earth across time and space. Awareness of one’s own role in persistence of an issue can only be brought through psychological healing and not by any kind of medicine or pills.

During my journey into this amazing healing art, I have met many people who had this opinion that one shouldn’t visit the past as it is already over. Right or Wrong! Believe me, I had a similar opinion. But after undergoing these trainings, I realized that Regression work or any other healing science intends to go in the past only to dismantle the bridge which connects you to the past in a way that is continues to deteriorate your joy and success in the present. When this work is done to its completion there is a stark difference in one’s personality and it empowers one to create a new bridge which connects you to your past in a way where you only carry forward the wisdom along with you. 

Regression in its entirety is an extremely intricate healing science which eventually addresses the root cause of various deep seated issues in a highly safe and conducive environment. Regression work is now used worldwide for all kinds of physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual issues, habit control, smoking cessation, overeating, and anorexia, self-esteem / self-image issues, BP, hypertension, stress, physical issues like- IBS, thyroid, diabetes, asthma etc.

To know more or to book for a healing session through chakras, psychotherapy, yoga, CBT, EFT, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Psycho-Spiritual Counseling etc or to enroll for any spiritual course on Chakra Healing, Self- Empowerment, Mindfulness, Parenting, Law of Attraction etc call or whats app Ananya Vohra (Counseling Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Yoga Psychotherapist, Spiritual Counselor, ThetaHealing Practitioner, CBT/Mindfulness Trainer)